Author Guidelines
Publication policies
Arthatama requires authors to comply with publication policies, i.e., papers submitted to Arthatama:
- Should be original work, i.e. the same paper must have not been published or accepted for publication in any other journals/books either in full or substantial part,
- Must not be submitted to any other journal for concurrent publication or being considered for publication or even being reviewed.
- The articles submitted must strictly follow the author's guidelines and the preparation of the manuscript established by Arthatama
- The submission file is in Microsoft WORD, or RTF document file format.
Manuscript Preparation
The main manuscript file must be provided in Microsoft Word or RTF format in A4 size (210mm x 297mm). In general, the script is typed using the Goudy Old Style 12 Pt font and the spacing between lines is 1 with a margin of 3cm on each side. The first page is a title page that contains the title, name of the author (s), affiliation, e-mail author, abstract and keywords. For simplicity, we encourage authors to use the Arthatama template which can be downloaded here.
Article Length
The editor does not limit the number of pages to each script, only that the author must ensure that their main manuscripts are between 5000 to 8000 including abstracts, references and tables. Manuscripts less than or exceeding the specified number of words will be returned to the authors for revision before the manuscript is considered by the editor.
Manuscripts must be written in English properly and consistently (not confusing American and English spelling). If the authors feel that their English script may require editing, they are encouraged to use English editing services. This is important to eliminate the possibility of grammatical or spelling errors and to adjust to proper scientific English.
Article Title
The title of the article must be specific, effective and reflect the contents of your text. A good title is no more than 15 words. Please avoid using unusual formulas and abbreviations.
Author's Identity: Name, Affiliation and Address
The full names of all authors must be written accurately and accurately without including any title. Mark each author with a numeric superscript to indicate their affiliation. Write all the authors' affiliations and their countries of origin and email each author, if available. It is not permissible to include any title, position or achievement that has been achieved. Be clear about who will handle the correspondence at all stages and process of publication. This responsibility includes answering any questions in the future about the text they send. Make sure the email address and contact details provided are always updated by the author concerned.
Abstract is not an introduction or conclusion. The abstract must state briefly and firmly the research objectives, methods, main results and main conclusions. Consists of 200-250 words in one single paragraph consistently.
Keywords contain between 3-6 specific words or phrases related to the theme being discussed. Avoid general terms, plural forms, conjunctions and abbreviations, if possible.
Main text
Manuscripts sent to this journal must have a main heading in the form of an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, limitation, and conclusion. Main headings must be in bold, font size 12 Pt, parallel to the left, and numbered consecutively in numbers. (Full details are in the template)
Express all parties who provide financial support for your research and/or prepare articles and to briefly explain the role of sponsors, if any, in the study design; in data collection, analysis and interpretation; in writing reports; and in the decision to submit articles for publication. Acknowledgments are arranged in a separate section at the end of the article before the reference, and do not include in the title page as footnotes or other.
Artworks and Illustration
All works of art or illustrations (graphics, diagrams, line drawings, web pages / screenshots, and still images) must be ensured not to violate copyrights and be presented with a good format and adequate resolution (for the benefit of the printed version). All of these must be separated at the end of the manuscript and given a numbering sequence according to their appearance in the text and informative information. Save on the use of illustrations and ensure that the data presented in them does not duplicate the results described elsewhere in the article. Please send the table as text (as with format .doc, .rtf, Excel) which can be edited and not as an image. Use fonts between sizes 9 or 10 Pt for tables and other possible illustrations.
Ensure the consistency of abbreviations throughout the article. Terms other than proper nouns must be italicized. Acronyms of more than four letters are written in lowercase letters (with appropriate initial capital). Initials, and acronyms of four letters or less, are written in capital letters (e.g. UN, DPR, BKKBN, LIPI).
Math formula
Mathematical equations are sent as editable text and not as images. Present simple formulas in line with normal text if possible and use solidus (/) instead of horizontal lines for small fractions, e.g., X/Y. In principle, variables must be presented in italics. Give a number in sequence for each equation that must be displayed separately from the text (if explicitly referenced in the text).
Nomenclature and unit
Follow the rules and conventions according to the international unit system (SI). If other amounts are mentioned, provide the equivalent in SI (
If there is more than one attachment, please label each one with capital letters (e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B). Each attachment must have a title.
This journal uses citation in text (not footnotes) by following the American Psychological Association (APA) style. For reference lists, they must be arranged in alphabetical order. More than one reference from the same author in the same year must be identified by the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', and placed, without spaces, after the year of publication. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also in the reference list, and vice versa.
Example Citation in Text and Reference List
Citation in text
- The author's last name and date, without commas, in parentheses: for example, (Becker 1987);
- Works with two authors: (Hannan and Freeman 1984);
- Works with more than two authors: (Sanders et al. 1985);
- Works with more than one source cited together: (Jones 1987; Freeman 1986);
- Two or more works by one author: (Jones 1987, 1989);
- When the reference list contains more than one author's work published in the same year, the suffixes a, b, etc., follow the date in the quoted text; for example, (Jones 1987a; Jones 1987b);
- If the author's name is mentioned in the text, it does not need to be repeated in the quote, just years in parentheses.
- Quotations for institutional work should use acronyms or short titles if possible.
Adler, R. W. (2018). Strategic performance management: Accounting for organizational control. London: Routledge.
Herzig, C., Viere, T., Schaltegger, S., & Burritt, R. L. (2012). Environmental management accounting: case studies of South-East Asian companies. London: Routledge.
Chapter in a Book
Common, R. (2017). “Public management and policy transfer in South-East Asia.” In Mark Evans (Ed.). Policy transfer in global perspective (pp. 143-161). London: Routledge.
Anderson, S. W. (2006). “Managing costs and cost structure throughout the value chain: research on strategic cost management.” In Christopher S. Chapman, Anthony G. Hopwood, and Michael D. Shields (Eds.). Handbooks of Management Accounting Research, vol. 2 (pp. 481-506). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Working Paper
Kang, D. 2000. Family Ownership and Performance in Public Corporations: A Study of the U.S. Fortune 500, 1982–1994. Working Paper 00-0051, Harvard Business School, Boston, MA.
Gnyawali, D. R. 1997. Creation and Utilization of Organizational Knowledge: An Empirical Study of the Effects of Organizational Learning on Strategic Decision Making. Unpublished PhD. Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, PA.
Heidhues, E., & Patel, C. (2008). “The role of accounting information in decision-making processes in a German dairy cooperative.” In International Conference on Accounting and Business (10th: 2008). East China University of Science & Technology. 6-8 June 2008.
Rhys-Williams, F. (2017). “What exactly does George ‘six jobs’ Osborne add to my economics degree?.” The Guardian (Fri 30 June). Available on, Accessed July 12, 2017.
Government Document
National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.