Research Horizon <p><strong>Research Horizon</strong> (<em>e-ISSN: 2807-9531; p-ISSN: 2808-0696</em>) is an open access international journal with an efficient peer-review process. The journal focuses on promoting interdisciplinary research in the social sciences and humanities which can open up the widest possible opportunities for academics, scholars, and researchers with different backgrounds to share useful research results. The journal aims to make significant contributions to applied research and knowledge across the globe through the publication of original, high-quality research articles. </p> LifeSciFi en-US Research Horizon 2808-0696 Contribution of Teachers' Pedagogical Competencies and Professional Competencies to Classroom Management <p>This research aims to evaluate the contribution of pedagogical competence and professional competence to classroom management in the Independent Curriculum Independent Curriculum. Primary data was obtained through a questionnaire. Analysis techniques include validity tests, regression analysis, t test, F test, coefficient of determination, and classical assumption analysis. The results show that pedagogical competence significantly contributes positively to classroom management in the independent curriculum. Likewise with professional competence. Both together have a significant contribution to classroom management in an independent curriculum. The F test results show that these two variables together contribute significantly to classroom management. The proportion of influence of the two variables on classroom management is 95.7%, while the remainder is influenced by other variables. The classical assumption test shows that this multiple linear regression model meets the normality assumption and is free from classical assumptions. This research confirms the importance of pedagogical competence and professional competence in supporting effective classroom management in the context of an independent curriculum.</p> Oktiana Handini Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-03-10 2024-03-10 4 2 1 8 Implementation of The Covid-19 Assistance Program by Utilizing Integrated Data on Social Welfare in Medan <p>Integrated Social Welfare Data (<em>Data Kesejahteraan Sosial Terpadu/</em>DTKS) is the main data used by the government to determine the social assistance beneficiaries. However, in terms of the use of DTKS in implementing the Covid-19 assistance program, it is still not optimal. This is because the data on poor people who are targeted by social assistance programs are invalid. There are still beneficiary aids that are not on target, resulting in duplicate data. Besides that, the problem of 4 aspects of utilization, namely knowing, understanding, owning, and utilizing, is still only 1 OPD that did all of those things. Based on this, through Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs (<em>Peraturan Menteri Sosial</em>/Permensos) No. 3 of 2021 concerning Integrated Social Welfare Data Management, the Ministry of Social Affairs has built, managed, and utilized DTKS. The purpose of this research is to see how the process of using DTKS by the Office of Social Affairs in implementing social assistance programs uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Using data collection techniques from interviews, observation, and documentation studies. The results of this study indicate that the utilization of DTKS has not been maximized. This can be seen from the determination of the community that does not comply with the technical guidelines, and the targets and realization are not balanced.</p> Siti Hazzah Nur Wiro Oktavius Ginting Nur Afifah Copyright (c) 2024 2024-03-21 2024-03-21 4 2 9 20 Laws Relating to Women Trafficking in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study with Saarc Countries <p>Human trafficking, defined by actions involving recruitment, transportation, harboring, and exploitation through force, deception, or coercion, has seen a significant surge in women trafficking across Asia in recent years. This escalation in women trafficking has resulted in adverse physical and psychological health conditions for victims, often leading to social disadvantages. Given the substantial representation of women in a nation's population, injustices against them can hinder a nation's development. Within the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (<em>Asosiasi Asia Selatan untuk Kerjasama Regional</em>/SAARC) region, member states while sharing similarities, exhibit significant variations in their anti-women trafficking policies. This disparity prompts questions regarding the relative strength of each country's anti-women trafficking laws. Focusing on Bangladesh as a SAARC member state, this paper conducts a comparative study of Bangladesh's anti-women trafficking laws with those of other SAARC countries to assess the impact and effectiveness of existing laws in combating women trafficking.</p> Tahira Attia Fariha Mohammad Belayet Hossain Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-03-09 2024-03-09 4 2 21 30 Business Development Strategy in Furniture Business Using Business Model Canvas Approach <p><em>Business Model Canvas (BMC) has a Customer Segment element in the furniture business, namely the upper middle class and specialized. The research aims to find out the furniture business strategy implemented by BMC. The study used a qualitative descriptive method by conducting interviews with informants, namely furniture owners and employees. The results of the study used 9 (nine) BMC elements. The customer segment is from the upper middle class and specialized value Proposition, namely the value of loyalty to provide the best and guarantee quality. The channel uses online and offline media. Customer Relationships build excellent and effective communication. Revenue stream from the sale of products produced. Key Activities purchase quality raw materials and processed labour and distribute them using supporting resources. Key Partners use vendors who provide raw materials and e-commerce parties. Key Resources look for raw material resources for labor to process. The cost structure consists of fixed costs and variable costs. Research implications can contribute to furniture entrepreneurs in Indonesia and internationally, especially Medan City. Using BMC to find strengths and weaknesses to get a solution. The results of using BMC increase productivity and welfare.</em></p> Ainun Mardhiyah Feni Khairifa Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 4 2 47 58 Social Media Influencers: Expectations vs Reality in Traveling <p>Social media influencers are an effective marketing instrument on social media. This research looks at how social media influencers build audience expectations through the content they are sharing, to the reality that audiences get as tourists. This research used an explanatory qualitative method and conducted in-depth interviews with 20 interviewees to get primary data. The researcher observed that social media influencers are used by the tourism sector in Lake Toba to promote tourism destinations by inviting influencers to attract audiences to visit by expecting the same experience when viewing the influencers' content. The results of this study indicate that the role of influencers is very important to promote tourism destinations and help to direct and provide information to the audience from the travel experiences shared by them so as to influence the perception, interest in visiting, and travel decisions of tourists.</p> Feronica Simanjorang Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 4 2 59 65 Analysis of Tourist Preferences for Ecotourism Attractions in North Sumatera <p>In Indonesia, ecotourism is an important part of the tourism industry where Indonesia is included in the list of the best ecotourism destinations in the world. The most important thing about ecotourism is efforts towards maintaining the preservation of the natural and cultural environment. This requires good and professional management of ecotourism attractions by the character of each tourist destination area. This research aims to group tourists based on psychographic segments towards ecotourism destinations in North Sumatra, determine the combination of product attributes at ecotourism destinations in North Sumatra that fulfill the desires of tourists per segment, and determine the preferences of tourists in each segment regarding their level. This research uses cluster and conjoint analysis methods which aim to group tourists into two groups based on tourism motivation, namely soft ecotourists and hard ecotourists along with the types of characteristics in each group. The analytical method used is a descriptive survey. Primary data was obtained from a questionnaire with a total of 120 respondents in 4 regions, namely Medan City, Langkat Regency, Karo Regency, and Toba Samosir Regency. The results of the research show that the average assessment of soft ecotourists shows that the comfort (accommodation) measure reaches the highest value, namely F-count accommodation = 81,656 and (p-value = 0.000), while hard ecotourists show the highest measure of commitment to environmental issues. On the other hand, the instruments that do not have differences between the two clusters are the commitment, duration, and interaction instruments.</p> Onan Marakali Siregar Selwendri Selwendri Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-03-03 2024-03-03 4 2 Alternative Process Towards Business Model Innovation in Medan City <p>Open innovation has become a key strategic element for improving innovation outcomes and commercialization among large companies. However, the relevance and potential of this concept can still be adopted by small-scale companies in Indonesia, especially those facilitated by social media. The aim of this research is to explore open innovation models for SMEs post COVID-19, particularly through digital platforms. The research method used is a descriptive and explanatory survey with a type of causality investigation, which will test the cause-and-effect relationship of these variables. To determine the sample size, calculations were carried out based on general SEM rules, with a minimum ratio of 12 respondents for each research parameter. With 18 parameters (indicators), the minimum sample size required is 216 respondents. However, this figure was increased to around 281 respondents to anticipate possible school dropouts and to account for an adequate return rate. Data analysis was carried out in two stages, namely descriptive analysis to provide an overview of the condition of the analysis unit and inferential analysis using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach with the help of Smart Partial Least Squares (PLS) software. The research results confirm that SMEs need to pay attention to the innovation climate and open innovation practices to increase innovation effectiveness. Important implications are found for managerial literature and practice, as most previous research focuses only on large companies. This study makes an important contribution by enriching the literature on open innovation in the SME context and testing a broader research model.</p> Onan Marakali Siregar Nicholas Marpaung Copyright (c) 2024 Author(s) 2024-03-01 2024-03-01 4 2